Pick Your Own Blueberries
- Easy picking, delicious
- A variety of blueberry varieties
- Powerful antioxidants
- The best price in season!
Blueberry Picking Info + Tips
A Fourth of July favorite! Use our containers, or your own containers, but make sure they are no bigger than one US gallon. Fruit will get bruised if your bucket is too big.
When to Pick?
Check the bottoms of the berries; if they are greenish, they are not ripe. You want blue all the way.
Best way to freeze blueberries
- Pick blueberries
- Take home
- Put on flat tray, one single berry layer
- Put in freezer (DO NOT WASH THEM FIRST)
- Once frozen, bag in ZipLocs
- When ready to use, open bag, WASH/RINSE
- Enjoy blueberries.
- Red Chief, Smoothee Gold, Jonathan, Mutsu, HoneyCrisp, Gala, Stayman & Fuji Apples & Pumpkins now in season at the farm!
Please follow us on Facebook or call 1-866-U-PICK-FUN for the most up-to-date crop information
U-Pick Blueberry Info

Typical Growing Season:
End of June – Beginning of July
Monday – Saturday 8AM-5PM
Sunday 1PM-5PM
Guest must exit u-pick fields and orchards 15 minutes prior to closing